Interest Free Financing From Harvesters
Once Upon a Time, at a Paper Company named St. Regis (now owned and operated by International Paper Company) Harvesters was born. The year was 1948 and yes, things were a lot different from today! But one thing that Harvesters FCU has continued to do is treat the member/owners like family.
Started in a small town, for working folks, Harvesters Federal Credit Union is now a 2 county, community credit union. If you live, work, worship or go to school in Escambia County or Santa Rosa County in Florida, you are eligible to join their family! And they will welcome you with open arms! Because, that is what family does.
Doodlebuggers is proud to offer financing with Harvesters for all of their clients to achieve their dream project.
6 months’ interest free Application Process
- Click the button below to begin application process (application takes 5-10 minutes & approval status is known in 1 business day)
- Create a log in and password on Harvesters Website
- Type in Doodlebuggers for the SERVICE PROVIDER
- If you have any questions, contact Harvesters Directly
Brittany Levins, FSR Processor, Ext 2029
Phone (850) 968-2233