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Doodlebuggers Fireplace, Grill & Outdoor BBB accredited business profile

Blazing Transformations: Revamp Your Hearth with Fireplace Remodeling Ideas

Fireplaces create a lovely ambiance and provide warmth in your home. They make a great focal point for any space. Whether you’re looking to improve the efficiency of your fireplace or update its visual appeal, a fireplace remodel from the pros at Doodlebuggers could be the perfect solution.

Advantages of a Fireplace Remodel

Fireplace remodel and installation in Pensacola and Destin, Fl

Fireplace Safety

A fireplace can be dangerous, especially for pets and young children. Adding features like fireplace doors or screens can add a better level of protection for your curious pets and give you peace of mind while your kids play. Fireplace doors and screens come in many different styles giving you the creative freedom to improve your safety while still adding visual flair to your hearth.

Fireplace Efficiency

Another advantage of fireplace doors is a heating efficiency boost! Adding fireplace doors can improve the efficiency of your fireplace by improving the heat output as well as stopping cold air drafts from entering your home.

Visual Appeal

While the practical advantages of a fireplace remodel are wonderful, the aesthetic appeal is likely the main focus of your decision to remodel. Revamping your fireplace can give you a chance to channel your inner interior designer. With so many styles and accessories to choose from, your dream hearth is just one remodel away.

Tips for Remodeling Your Fireplace

Consider the Style of Your Room

Fireplace remodeling gives you the opportunity to make your fireplace stand out as a cohesive focal point in your space. With surround options for mantels ranging from rustic wood or stone to sleek metal, the possibilities are endless.

What Do You Want Your Fireplace Remodel to Achieve?

When considering a fireplace remodel, it’s important to weigh your options and consider what purpose you want this upgrade to serve. Are you looking for a total visual upgrade or just a few small changes to improve the quality of your fireplace? 

Accessories like doors and screens can improve safety as well as functionality for your fireplace while still giving it an aesthetic boost. For a more drastic revamp, a total hearth makeover is the way to go.

Always Go with a Fireplace Pro

If you’ve made the decision to proceed with any type of fireplace upgrade, it’s important to hire a reputable company with the skills and knowledge to successfully execute your remodeling project. A professional will be able to provide great advice on the best design options and safely transform your outdated fireplace into the fireplace of your dreams.

Fireplace replacement and installation in Pensacola and Destin, FL.

Call Doodlebuggers for Your Fireplace Transformation

If you’re ready to transform your fireplace, call Doodlebuggers in Pensacola, FL at (850) 477-1151, or Destin, FL at (850) 243-0154. You can also get in touch with our online contact form. Our fireplace pros are ready to deliver the fireplace of your dreams!

Visit one of our showrooms:

  • In Pensacola: 7555 Highway 98 West, Suite A
  • In Destin: 36054 Emerald Coast Pkwy. #100
Free Online Estimate