Dryer Vent Installation
Doodlebuggers dryer vent technicians are trained and experienced in all aspects of dryer vent installation. Whether you need a new dryer vent system installation or want to replace an old or hazardous system, we provide the high-quality, professional dryer vent installation services you need.
Doodlebuggers dryer vent technicians will install your system using code-compliant materials and configurations. Our professional dryer vent installation service ensures that vent materials are in compliance with the recommendations and requirements set forth by one or more of the following:
- Current International Residential Code (IRC)
- Underwriters Laboratory
- Dryer manufacturers
- Consumer Product Safety Commission
- The National Fire Protection Association
- International Mechanical Code (IMC)
Don’t risk having a faulty setup from the start that can later result in bigger issues such as dryer fire, mold growth, carbon monoxide accumulation, or energy loss! Our dryer vent technicians have the experience and training needed to properly perform dryer vent installation in any home or business.
Is Your Dryer Vent Safe?
There’s a hidden danger spot in most homes today. Chances are you don’t look at it or even think about it. It’s the vent from your clothes dryer. Over time, it fills with lint that slips past your dryer’s filter. Overheating results as the lint builds up, and then you’re just a step away from a fire. Sound unlikely?
Here are some alarming facts from a May 2003 report from the Consumer Product Safety Commission:
- Over 15,000 clothes dryer fires occur each year.
- These dryer fires result in approximately 20 deaths, 370 injuries and over $75 million in property damage annually.
- The high-limit thermostat may prematurely fail when subjected to high ambient temperatures. After a significant build up of debris in the dryer vent hose, the dryer overheats and the lint catches fire. Combustibles in the immediate vicinity then help fuel the fire.
Unlike many health and safety issues we are faced within the home, this safety problem has an easy and economical solution. The best way to prevent the possibility of a dryer fire harming your home and family is with a thorough dryer cleaning by the professionals at Doodlebuggers.
Another issue that may impact the safety of your dryer venting system is the components of the system itself. Not many people routinely check their vent line and termination caps and most wouldn’t really know what they were looking for if they did. Pipe can become damaged, caps can break and a ground termination that used to be perfectly placed can now sit underground with normal house settling. During every dryer vent cleaning our technicians will inspection your venting system to make sure that everything is in working condition and that it is capable of performing the way that you need it to.
And if you do need repairs? Our certified technicians can perform a variety of on site repairs and our office staff can quote out anything they can’t do that day for you to have done when you’re ready.
The final big issue is that some installers and builders don’t really know what to look for in a dryer vent. They don’t have the certifications that our technicians do and they might not know the best practices of putting a dryer vent in. They have a lot on their plate and sometimes, something gets missed or the wrong part gets installed. We’ve seen everything from flex line running more than 40 feet through and attic to an oven exhaust cap installed on a roof that was packed with enough lint to make a blanket! We know our dryer vents and can solve just about any issue with your dryer vent.