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Doodlebuggers Fireplace, Grill & Outdoor BBB accredited business profile

Common Causes of Chimney Leaks 

Now that the winter is just about behind us, it is time to take a look at your fireplace. It has been used all winter long faithfully. Between the brutal winter storms and the heat of the fire from within, your fireplace and chimney take a lot of abuse. Take the time to look over the chimney. Make sure that there aren’t problems that can lead to leaks. Leaks can be very disruptive and very costly.

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Chimney Leak Causes

Let us list some of the causes of chimney leaks so you can be prepared moving forward.

Cracked Chimney Crow: The chimney crown sits on the top of your chimney. It is a cement slab that protects the rain and snow from running over your masonry. The crown is angled to allow the water to run away from the chimney. If the crown is cracked, water can get into the flue lining and masonry. If a crack is left without repair, it can expand and cause excessive damage and leakage.  

Leaky Flashing: The flashing protects the area where the chimney and the roof meet. The flashing is made out of metal. It is important to have this intact. The flashing has a water-tight seal if it is broken, water can leak into the chimney at the roof level.

No Chimney Cap: The chimney cap plays a pivotal part in the protection of the chimney. The cap covers the chimney, keeping debris, small animals, and rain out. If your chimney does not have a cap, your chimney is open to whatever comes its way. Water falling directly into the chimney can cause rusting of the damper and deterioration. When debris gets down your chimney, there may be issues of obstruction and the risk of chimney fires.

Deterioration of Masonry and Mortar: You may have heard of the freeze and thaw cycles. Once there is a crack in the masonry or mortar, water can seep in. With freezing temperatures, the water freezes. The water expands, and the crack expands. This causes additional trouble as anytime it rain, water seeps in, eventually leaking into the home.

These are all concerns if you are a homeowner and have a fireplace. The National Fire Protection Association recommends an annual chimney sweep and inspection. An inspection will look for all of these causes of water leakage. At Doodlebuggers, we have experienced technicians who will provide the best information if we do find leakage. We will inspect your chimney for any concerns that they have. Call us for an appointment. The cost of repairs can be minimal if caught early, don’t hesitate this spring, set up your appointment now.

professional chimney services in Destin FlCSIA-Certified and Company-Trained Technicians

Our technicians are not subcontractors they are true employees of the company. They go through a rigorous process to learn every detail of all of our services. Most of our technicians are cross trained and certified in many designations including the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) to name a couple. They must earn these designations via national standardized testing. This is not something to take lightly; we want to ensure they know what they are doing while they are serving your property. Contact us today

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