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How To Tell If You Need A Chimney Restoration

Your chimney standing tall above your roof may look indestructible against the evil forces of rain, wind, and drastic hot and cold temperature swings that are common on Florida’s northwest coast but looks can be deceiving.

Chimney Inspections and Repairs in Pensacola FLWater: Enemy Number One

It may start as a simple white stain splashed across portions of the masonry that seem to disappear in the rain. But deep beneath the crevices, rain-soaked bricks and mortar are cracking under the pressure. Tiny sponge like pores act like reservoirs delivering a constant flow of water throughout the chimney system, weakening the structure. Eventually, the cracks widen, spread to other bricks and now you have spalling or missing bricks, water leaks, and flue liner cracks. A lightening strike can deliver a knock-out punch that takes down a portion of the crown. Without immediate chimney repair and restoration, you may have your own Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Sometimes it’s very difficult to spot issues with your chimney. But it can also be easy to see if you know where to look. So, here are three warning signs that your chimney may need immediate repair and restoration.

Large Gaps in Masonry

Our turbulent weather at times and proximity to coastal waters can wreak havoc on unsuspecting chimneys. Over time, the frequent rainstorms can cause the mortar that holds the bricks together to deteriorate, creating gaps or holes in the masonry. Eventually, these bricks may loosen and even fall off the stack. You may also notice chunks of brick and mortar lying on the ground near the foundation. In addition to water leaking through these holes, the smoke and gases increase the risk of fire and carbon monoxide poisoning making your fireplace or stove unsafe to use until your chimney is restored.

Chimney is Leaning

A leaning chimney is dangerous because it can collapse, causing severe damage to your home. The weight of a chimney can be several tons, and if it falls, it can crush your roof, damage your walls, and even cause injury or death. So why is your chimney leaning?

One reason is that the foundation of the chimney is sinking. If the foundation is damaged and can no longer support the weight of the chimney, it can sink, causing the chimney to lean. Another reason is spalling bricks. When the bricks and mortar absorb moisture, they crack, crumble, and spall causing the chimney to lean. A leaning chimney must be inspected by a qualified chimney sweep as soon as possible to assess the damage and recommend repairs. In some cases, a complete or partial chimney restoration may be necessary.

Water Leaks

Water leaking in the chimney can cause several problems for Fort Walton Beach, FL and Northwest Florida homeowners:

  • Masonry damage: Water can damage the bricks and mortar of the chimney, causing it to crack and crumble. This can lead to structural problems, such as a leaning chimney.
  • Fire hazard: Water can also damage the flue liner, which is the conduit that vents smoke and gases from your home when using the fireplace. When these gases can’t escape your home, it increases the risk of a fire and carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Moisture damage to your home: Water that leaks into your chimney can also seep into your home through the roof deck and attic, causing moisture damage to your walls, ceilings, and floors. This can lead to mold growth, which can cause respiratory problems.
  • Pest infestation: Water that leaks into your chimney can also provide a breeding ground for pests, such as rodents and insects. These pests can enter your home through the chimney and fireplace and spread disease.

Chimney Repair and Restoration Services in Destin FLNorthwest Florida Chimney Restoration Services

Doodlebuggers® restoration services will bring your chimney back to life, so you can enjoy a safe and spectacular fire-burning experience.

In addition to chimney repair and restoration, we also perform chimney inspection, cleaning, and fireplace installation services in Destin, Pensacola, and surrounding communities throughout the Northwest Florida-Mobile Bay, AL region.

Call Doodlebuggers at (850) 789-4462 or visit us online to schedule an appointment today!

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