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4 Important Benefits of Having Your Chimney Inspected

Chimneys and fireplaces give us a lot of comfort and enjoyment – but only if the chimney is working as it should. You can easily spot major chimney problems, but you can’t always spot early signs of trouble. This is why you should have your chimney professionally inspected once a year. Doodlebuggers Fireplace, Grill & Outdoor Store of Pensacola, FL, and Destin, FL, you would like to share the four most important reasons to schedule an annual chimney inspection.

professional chimney inspections in Pensacola FL and Destin FL1. Inspect for creosote

Creosote is a highly flammable substance that forms when smoke condenses in a chimney flue. It can be sticky, flaky, puffy or solid and is the #1 cause of reported chimney fires each year throughout Florida.
A chimney inspection will determine how much creosote is inside your flue. Because as little as 1/8 of an inch is enough to cause a fire, creosote should be cleaned out by an experienced chimney sweep once a year.

2. Inspect for draft blockages

Creosote buildups can narrow a flue and make smoke draft poorly. Other causes of blockages include leaves, twigs, animal nests and deceased small animals. Outside debris and animals can be prevented by having a secure chimney cap installed.
When a flue is obstructed, smoke and carbon monoxide can back up into your living spaces. Smoke in the house is no good, but carbon monoxide is worse. This invisible, odorless gas is known to be potentially fatal to humans and animals. A chimney inspection will determine if there is a blockage in your flue.

3. Inspect for hidden damage

Basic Level 1 chimney inspections (see below) look at all readily accessible areas of your chimney system, including the chimney cap, crown, flashing and masonry. Problems in these and other parts of the chimney often start small and progress into sizeable issues.
Your inspector can also perform a thorough chimney liner inspection with a video camera, allowing him or her to see every part of the liner’s surface and detect early signs of breaks, splits or other damage. Chimney inspections are the best way to get problems fixed before they get out of hand.

4. Inspect when buying a new home

A professional chimney inspection should always be performed when a home is being sold. The new owners have no idea about the chimney’s condition, and their own visual inspection will only tell them so much.
Level 2 chimney inspections are required in most jurisdictions when a home changes ownership.
Different types of chimney inspections
There are three chimney inspection levels recognized by the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA), the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and other organizations.

Level 1: The basic inspection as described above.

Level 2: An inspection for when:

  • You’re selling your home
  • You’re modifying your chimney system
  • An event such as a chimney fire is thought to have caused damage

Level 3: A  level 3 inspection is a comprehensive inspection when major damage is known to exist. This inspection usually involves the dismantling of parts of the chimney and nearby building materials of the home.

Professional Chimney Inspections and sweeps in Perdido Fl and Destin FLSchedule your next chimney inspection

If it’s been more than a year since your last chimney inspection, or if you’re selling your home or suspect that your chimney is damaged, now is the time to schedule a professional inspection with the Doodlebuggers crew.

We are committed to superior service, and with us, you can rest assured that your chimney will be in safe and efficient working order! We are here to help.

Reach a Florida chimney inspection professional today at (850) 477-1151 in Pensacola, FL, or (850) 243-0154 in the Destin, FL, area. You can also get in touch with our handy contact form.

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